Embroidery Software 7 – EditorPlus

BERNINA Embroidery Software 7 – uniquely yours

BERNINA Embroidery Software 7: Now Windows 10 compatible!

With the newest version update V7.0T your embroidery software becomes Windows 10 compatible.

The function of the automatic fabric settings (auto fabrics) has been extended and can now be manually activated or deactivated. It makes embroidery easier and improves the stitch quality, while adjusting settings specifically to the fabric.

To test the function, we provide you according to the winter season three snow stars as free download. These free-standing lace designs have no underlay stitches. Other such embroidery designs and stabilizers can be found on embroideryonline.com under the search terms free-standing lace and wash away stabilizer.

Information to Update V7.0T

The zip file below contains three free embroidery designs, installation and release notes, and further explanations for the automatic fabric settings.

Zip-File V7.0T

The EditorPlus Embroidery Software 7 makes each embroidery project uniquely yours with simple editing and extensive lettering options. Quickly preview designs in alternate colors with the powerful Color Wheel, create motifs with Automatic Digitizing and fine tune them with the various editing features included within the software.

Za pravilno delovanje tega spletišča se včasih na vašo napravo naložijo majhne podatkovne datoteke, imenovane piškotki. Sistemski piškotki, ki so nujni za delovanje, so že dovoljeni. Vaša izbira pa je, da dovolite ali zavrnete piškotke analitike in trženja, ki nudijo boljšo uporabniško izkušnjo, enostavnejšo uporabo strani in prikaz ponudbe, ki je relevantna za vas.